
I Didn’t Know That . . .

Q: Why is chocolate bad for dogs?

A: Because it contains caffeine and, more important, theobromine, which are toxic to dogs. A little bit of chocolate is not particularly hazardous, but in large amounts it can be fatal. A 20-pound dog can be killed by eating 1 1/2 pounds of milk chocolate, said San Francisco veterinarian Terri McGinnis, author of “The Well Dog Book”. Symptoms caused by chocolate include diarrhea, abdominal pain, muscle tremors, fever and lack of coordination. Other foods that can be hazardous to your pet include moldy cheese and onions. Half a pound of onions can kill a 100-pound dog from red cell breakdown.

Chocolate is also hazardous to cats, but aspirin is a bigger threat and must be used very carefully. It can cause vomiting, weakness, lack of appetite and convulsions.
