

The Automobile Club of Southern California needs more than 1,500 volunteers to help decorate its Family Vacation float for the Tournament of Roses parade on New Year’s Day in Pasadena. The Auto Club will use its float to help raise money for local children suffering from life-threatening illnesses. Those donating $1 or more to one of the Auto Club’s 69 district offices may sign “Miracle Balloon” cards that will be placed inside the float. Information: (714) 424-8181.

* Santa Monica-UCLA Medical Center needs volunteers as case management assistants for in-home patients. Training is 15 hours; a one-year commitment is required. Information: Ishara Bailis, (310) 319-4560.

* The Los Angeles District Attorney’s Victim-Witness Assistance Program needs advocates to help victims and witnesses through the justice process. Volunteers must consent to and pass a background check and be available to work at least one four-hour shift per week on weekdays. Information: (213) 357-5347 or (626) 572-6364.


* Ananda Marga Feeding Program of Los Angeles needs people to help prepare and distribute free vegetarian meals to the homeless in downtown Los Angeles. Volunteers also are needed for the program’s organic farm in Lake Hughes. Information: Allen Thurm, (213) 225-3290.

* The Infant-Toddler Development Center at Cal State Dominguez Hills needs volunteers weekdays to assist teachers in setting up activity centers, feeding children and supervising toddlers during recess. The center provides special assistance for developmentally delayed infants and toddlers. Information: Volunteer Center, South Bay-Harbor-Long Beach, (310) 212-5009.

Information for this column should be submitted typed and double-spaced to Involvement Opportunities, SoCal Living, Los Angeles Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles, CA 90053.
