
Agencies Make Their Wishes--Let’s Grant Them

Several weeks ago, the new Southern California Living section invited Los Angeles area nonprofit agencies to send in their Holiday Wish Lists. The response was tremendous.

Philanthropy is a part of SoCal Living, so it only seemed natural that we would publish the list, which runs today through Friday. But as the requests poured in, we realized that if we were asking you to help the needy of our community, then shouldn’t we also pitch in?

As a result, SoCal Living and The Times’ Health section are teaming up to help a local health-care agency for the homeless. We encourage you to step in and answer the call of the many agencies that wrote to us on behalf of their clients. Your assistance could be something as simple and low-cost as a box of diapers.


And if you have the time, please drop us a line or two if you gave or received. We’d love to hear how it went.

Thank you in advance, and happy holidays.

Michelle Williams,

Editor, SoCal Living


David R. Olmos

Editor, Health
