

* Re “Activists Accuse Panel of Undoing Police Reforms,” Nov. 18: It irks me when I read about the ACLU and other activist groups verbally battering the Los Angeles Police Department. The police are the only protection that society has from total anarchy. Ramona Ripston from the ACLU states, “The people of Los Angeles need and deserve real solutions to the problem of police misconduct.” What the people of L.A. really need and deserve is a solution to keeping criminals behind bars through a professional, aggressive police department.

None of us approve of police misconduct, but we also don’t want to make the police afraid to do their job. Several police officers I know are held to a higher standard than ever before. If the ACLU or any other organization feels it can police the mean streets of L.A. better, then let them risk their lives and chase armed criminals down dark alleys.


San Pedro
