
Poster Artist Sought for ’99 Berry Festival

The California Strawberry Festival is conducting its annual search for artists to create the official poster to promote the 1999 event.

The festival committee is accepting portfolios and will select the poster artist based on quality and style of work. The winner will be asked to submit specific concepts for the 1999 Strawberry Festival from which the poster art will be chosen.

The original art and all the rights will be purchased from the winning artist. Besides the posters, the image will appear on T-shirts, programs and other promotional items for the 16th annual event, which pays homage to Ventura County’s strawberry crop.


Last year’s winner, Ventura artist Stephanie Elise, crafted a poster featuring four perfectly ripe strawberries nestled in a crystal dish.

Deadline for entries is Dec. 10. Interested designers may submit portfolios to the festival office at 1621 Pacific Ave., Suite 127, Oxnard. For information call 385-7578.
