
Pete Wilson

So Gov. Pete Wilson is “convinced” he could have defeated Gray Davis (Capital Journal, Nov. 9)? I hate to break it to the governor, but with no small help from him California is now the most Democratic large state in the nation. Not only did the Democrats nearly sweep the statewide offices, they now control both houses of the Legislature and both U.S. Senate seats. And his position on Propositions 5 and 8? In both cases the voters went overwhelmingly the other way. Wilson whip Davis? Now who is being naive and arrogant?

The governor fails to understand that despite his “moderate” positions compared to the extremism of most California Republican leaders, his cynical embrace of divisive issues and his sheer meanness are great motivators for Democrats and have done a wonderful job of consolidating groups in the Democratic camp.

So bring on the Wilson for president in 2000 campaign. I’m hoping he can do for the national Democratic Party what he has done here in California.



Los Angeles
