
Bob Livingston

Future House Speaker Bob Livingston rationalized that “sulking” would-be voters, who ultimately decided not to cast their votes, were partially responsible for the bevy of Republican defeats on election day (Nov. 9). Evidently, Livingston suffers from the same cognitive paralysis as his predecessor. It is not the citizens who are ousting the Republicans from power. Rather, the Grand Old Party is rapidly self-destructing from within.

The majority of this country’s populace can no longer empathize with--much less tolerate--the litany of radically antiquated ideals to which the GOP continues to subscribe. Who in their right mind--other than religious zealots and gun-rack manufacturers--feels vindicated endorsing a party that enthusiastically champions one’s right to bear arms while vehemently opposing a woman’s right to choose, despite simultaneously declaring the necessity for crime prevention and welfare reform?

One day, some well-informed GOP hopefuls will conclude that most registered voters live down here, on planet Earth.



Sherman Oaks


If anyone ever again questions the need for campaign finance reform, let them look at the selection of Livingston as the Republican’s new House speaker. Rep. Livingston won the nomination in large part because of $327,062 that he donated to the campaigns of at least 87 Republicans (“Generosity Pays Off for Livingston,” Nov. 9). In short, this vote could be construed as payback to a major campaign contributor--in this case, to another politician.


Los Angeles


I was not at all surprised by the House minority leader’s rancorous response regarding the resignation of House Speaker Newt Gingrich. Richard Gephardt’s worst nightmare would be a Republican-controlled House that would be politically moderate. Heaven forbid that the 106th Congress might work with President Clinton to pass legislation which would benefit the nation!

If this were to happen then Gephardt’s chance of being the speaker for the 107th Congress or the next Democratic candidate for president would be greatly diminished. Gephardt wants a do-nothing Congress and a do-nothing president.



Santa Clarita
