
Ohio--Judith Malinzak, Downey: “The Inn at Cedar...

Ohio--Judith Malinzak, Downey: “The Inn at Cedar Falls, 21190 State Route 374, Logan 43138; telephone (800) 65-FALLS. Serene rooms and cabins in beautiful Hocking Hills area; organic produce.” Rates: $55-$165, with breakfast; dinner $21-$30.

England--Jean Bailey, Pointe Claire, Canada: “Alison House Hotel, 82 Ebury St., Belgravia, London SW1W 9QD; tel. 011-44-171-730-0529, fax 011-44-171-730-5494. Small, comfortable rooms in center of town.” Rate: about $93 double, with breakfast.

Switzerland--Charles Haner, Valley Center: “Hotel Bel’esperance, Rue de la Vallee 1, 1204 Geneva; tel. 011-41-22-818-3737, fax 011-41-022-818-3773. Downtown hotel owned by Salvation Army but actually nicer than resort hotels we stayed in. Spacious, bright, modern.” Rates: about $79-$142, including breakfast.


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