

L.A. Dorsey 27, L.A. Crenshaw 4--Dorsey High won a share of its first Southern Pacific Conference football title since 1995.

Dorsey and Banning tied for the championship with 6-1 records, but Dorsey will be the conference’s top-seeded team in the City Section playoffs that begin next Thursday because the Dons defeated Banning, 36-35, on Oct. 16.

The playoff selection committee meets today to determine the 16 strongest teams that will compete for the City championship, formerly known as the 4-A division, and the 16 teams that will play for the Division championship, formerly known as the 3-A.


If tradition holds, Dorsey, as the No. 1 team from the Southern Pacific Conference, will emerge from the meeting as the top-seeded team in the City division, which includes the six conference champions and 10 at-large teams deemed strongest by the playoff selection committee. “We’re No. 1,” Dorsey linebacker Larrie Neal said. “We beat Banning and we beat Crenshaw. There’s no doubt.”

Dorsey (7-2-1) did not surrender an offensive point.
