
Reagan’s Grandson Charged With Burglarizing Autos


Former President Reagan’s grandson pleaded not guilty Friday to charges of breaking into two cars and the theft of a variety of electronic and personal items.

Police approached Cameron Reagan, 20, son of Michael Reagan, after they saw him and another man acting suspiciously around some parked cars on Sepulveda Boulevard near the Ventura Freeway, according to Head Deputy Dist. Atty. John Spillane of the Van Nuys office.

Reagan was charged with burglarizing two cars parked on nearby streets. A co-defendant, Chris Lopez, 20, was allegedly carrying stolen property when they were spotted by police. Both were arrested Tuesday and jailed until their arraignments Friday; Reagan remains jailed in lieu of $30,000 bail.


“This is not very sophisticated,” Spillane said. The stolen property, valued at more than $800, included a briefcase, a cellular phone, a pager, clothing and money.

Reagan pleaded not guilty to charges of burglary, grand theft and petty theft. Lopez, who was charged with receiving stolen property, also pleaded not guilty.

“I don’t know the extent of his involvement or why he would be involved in this case,” said defense lawyer Donald R. Wager, who was hired by Reagan’s parents to defend him. He said Reagan met Lopez only recently.


Wager said Reagan was on probation for a misdemeanor at the time of his arrest. He allegedly scratched his name into the corner of a store window.

The younger Reagan lives in the San Fernando Valley, according to Wager, who said he did not know why his client had not been released on bail. Wager said he expected bail would be posted over the weekend.

Authorities said Reagan gave no address when he was arrested.

Wager said his client is “confident he will never be back in court on any case after this.”
