
Making Connections

Ever get annoyed by a car bellowing smoke?

Well, the next time you spot a vehicle emitting excessive amounts of exhaust smoke, call (800) CUT-SMOG any time, day or night, to report it. (L.A. Cellular and AirTouch callers can simply push # SMOG.)

A representative from the Air Quality Management District will ask for the vehicle’s license plate number, date, time and location where the offending car was seen and if possible, a brief description of the vehicle. Using DMV records, a registered letter will be sent to the owner asking them to voluntarily repair it.

Although the AQMD cannot force anyone to make repairs, the California Highway Patrol can cite cars and big rigs for excessive smoke, carrying a fine of $100 to $250. More than a million people have anonymously reported smoking cars since the program started in June 1988.


More than 40% of those who receive a letter from the AQMD return a reply form indicating they have fixed their car. More information is available at on the Internet.
