
Simpson Firm on Custody, Open to Visits

From Associated Press

O.J. Simpson said Friday he wouldn’t object to sharing custody of his children with their maternal grandparents “as long as I have physical custody.”

Such an arrangement would not change the family situation that now exists, Simpson told the Associated Press in a telephone interview.

Simpson said his daughter, Sydney, 13, and his son, Justin, 10, already spend time with their grandparents, Juditha and Lou Brown, who live in Dana Point. He said he regularly talks to the Browns about the welfare of the children.


“I don’t mind having joint custody with Judy Brown as long as I have physical custody,” Simpson said. “If Judy and Lou lived across the street, they could see the kids every day. I am the one person on all sides of this issue that has worked to have my kids spend time with the Browns.”

He said the youngsters have also visited their aunts--the sisters of his slain wife, Nicole Brown Simpson.

The interview came after the 4th District Court of Appeal reversed the 1996 decision that gave Simpson custody of the children.


Granting a petition by the Browns, the court ordered a new hearing to include evidence on whether Simpson killed the children’s mother.

The Browns had the children while Simpson was jailed and on trial in Los Angeles for murdering his ex-wife and her friend, Ronald Goldman. The two were knifed to death outside Nicole Brown Simpson’s home on June 12, 1994.

Jurors acquitted Simpson of murder in 1995. In a civil case, however, a jury awarded the victims’ families $33.5 million in damages from Simpson.


The Browns declined to comment on Simpson’s statements. Their lawyers could not be reached for comment Friday evening.
