
Suicide Jumper at Courthouse Faced 3rd Strike


The man who threw himself off the 10th floor of the Orange County Courthouse on Thursday was facing his third strike, according to court records, and could have faced 25 years to life behind bars.

Ituaso Naea, 22, an alleged gang member, was being tried in Santa Ana on an assault with a deadly weapon charge when he jumped to his death Thursday, police said.

Court files show Naea had a prior juvenile felony conviction in July 1994. A jury found Naea guilty Thursday of assault with a deadly weapon and a gang enhancement count. A juvenile felony counts as a prior conviction for sentencing purposes if the defendant is 16 or older.


Naea, who was free on bail, had stepped out onto a balcony with his girlfriend about 5 p.m. Thursday when he apparently jumped to his death.

Superior Court Judge William R. Froeberg, who presided over the case, said that “there was no indication that he was going to jump, none at all.”

The balcony is frequently used by those on cigarette breaks. Naea apparently jumped over a 4-foot wall and fell to his death.


“I saw him laying on the ground literally 15 minutes after it happened,” said Allen Crivaro, a senior public defender who witnessed the aftermath. “I went home depressed. I’ve heard clients say they would rather end their life than spend the rest of their lives in jail.”
