
Calling All Clergy

Beginning today, The Times Orange County expands its Saturday religion page with additional coverage of spiritual issues, trends and news in Orange County.

A feature to be included in future religion pages will be a column of excerpts from the week’s sermons around the county. Local churches, synagogues and other houses of worship are invited to participate.

To be considered for publication, upcoming sermons or excerpts should be submitted each week to Orange County religion page editor Jack Robinson.


Fax: (714) 966-7711

E-mail: [email protected]

Mail: The Times Orange County, 1375 Sunflower Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Submissions, which are due at noon each Thursday, must include:

* Name and title of the clergy member delivering the sermon.

* Date and time of service.

* Name and address of the church or synagogue.

* A telephone number, which will not be published, in case of questions about the submission.
