
Driver Must Wait for Pedestrian


Dear Traffic Talk:

Is it legal for motorists to cross an intersection when a pedestrian, who is in the middle of a crosswalk, motions to the driver to proceed?

Or must the driver wait until the pedestrian has crossed?

Harry Reis


Dear Harry:

It is not legal for the driver to continue on through an intersection before pedestrians reach the other side of the street, said Sgt. Ernie Sanchez of the California Highway Patrol.

Sanchez stressed that vehicles must always yield the right of way for pedestrians once they enter the crosswalk, whether it be an intersection with a signal, or a two- or four-way stop sign. This is also true even when the pedestrian motions to the driver to proceed, he said. Thus, it wouldn’t be wise for pedestrians to motion for drivers to proceed while they are crossing.


CHP Officer Lou Aviles added that motorists can be cited for driving through the intersection while pedestrians are in the crosswalk.

Dear Traffic Talk:

The newly set signal at Victory Boulevard and Royer Avenue in Woodland Hills is creating a traffic problem. There are few cars traveling north and south on Royer, while eastbound and westbound traffic on Victory remains heavy.

Is it possible for an adjustment to be made to allow more time for vehicles traveling east and west?


Thank you for your assistance in this matter.

Sterling A. Rachootin

Woodland Hills

Dear Sterling:

Brian Gallagher, transportation engineer with the Los Angeles Department of Transportation, said the intersection is programmed to allow for maximum green light time on Victory.

Gallagher said the only time Royer is given the green light is when pedestrians push the crosswalk button to cross Victory or when the street sensors detect stopped traffic on Royer. The green light time on Victory, when there is no traffic on Royer or pedestrians pushing the crosswalk button, should “remain green for infinity,” he said.

However, Gallagher stressed that sometimes the detectors can become stuck, causing the signal lights on the minor street, in this case Royer, to change to a green light more frequently than necessary or remain green for a longer period, causing tie-ups on the major street, in this case Victory.


LADOT engineers will be dispatched to the intersection to look into the matter. If there is a problem, adjustments will be made to the timing to allow greater traffic flow on Victory, he said.

Dear Traffic Talk:

I use Burbank Boulevard to commute to work.

On the San Diego Freeway overpass, there are weeds up to 4 feet tall at the intersection of each of the freeway exits.

Who can I call to have the weeds trimmed?

Roberta Anderson

Sherman Oaks

Dear Roberta:

You can call the city of Los Angeles Bureau of Street Maintenance hotline at (800) 996-CITY. The hotline is staffed between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays, but you may leave messages 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Your message will be sent to the appropriate crew, which will then be sent to trim the offending foliage, said Debbie DiPrimio, an executive secretary at the bureau.
