
Slain Missouri Killer May Have Been Targeting Police Officers

<i> From Associated Press</i>

Authorities believe the man who gunned down a police officer in his squad car was targeting police because he apparently ignored people driving civilian vehicles.

William E. Lattin Jr., dressed in fatigues, strapped two guns to his body, walked down the stoop of his apartment and began firing Tuesday evening.

His rampage ended when police shot and killed him. In addition to the slain police officer, three people were wounded.


Police say they are not sure what prompted Lattin, 33, to open fire, but he may have been targeting police officers, Lt. Jim Connors said.

“The indication from some statements by civilians indicate he’d look at some people and wave them on,” Connors said “He seemed to be going for vehicles that resembled police vehicles. That is what we believe at this time, that this was an assault on police officers.”

Witnesses said Lattin shook the rifle in a taunting manner before exchanging fire with police behind a church about a block from the intersection where the shootings began in this city about 55 miles north of Kansas City.


Police officer Bradley T. Arn, 28, the first officer to respond to reports of gunshots, was killed when Lattin fired several times at his squad car with a rifle.
