
Lou Cannon to Speak at CSUN on ’92 L.A. Riots

Washington Post correspondent and author Lou Cannon will speak at Cal State Northridge today about the 1992 Los Angeles riots and whether violence could have been avoided if police had heeded warning signs.

“One of the warnings came from the Metro unit, the elite unit of the LAPD. They were trying to get their superiors to take more caution and have more patrols,” said Cannon, who covered the Rodney G. King beating, subsequent trials and the riot as Los Angeles bureau chief for the Post.

His free lecture, “The Los Angeles Riots of 1992,” is open to the public and will be at 2:30 p.m. in the Grand Salon of the University Student Union.


“What I’m going to focus on is primarily what both caused the riot and how it could have been prevented,” said Cannon, author of the book “Official Negligence: How Rodney King and the Riots Changed Los Angeles and the LAPD.”
