
Eat Like the Rich

Is the entire city making a six-figure income? Sometimes it seems that way when you drive by crowded entrances to five-star restaurants. If, however, you are not one of the well-compensated elite able to casually fork over a couple of Franklins for some grub, Calendar Live! has an alternative. Thankfully, stitched into the fabric of the glitzy L.A. dining scenes are restaurants where the eats are upscale but the prices are a bit more down-home. Calendar Live! points you to affordable alternatives to some of the Southland’s finest dining establishments.

Furniture Workshops

Itching to redecorate? Explore the furniture, art and architecture of the Arts and Crafts Movement at Pasadena Heritage’s Craftsman Weekend. This three-day event features home tours, lectures, exhibits and workshops on everything from home restoration to art history.

Art on Comic Art

Calendar Live! interviews Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist Art Spiegelman about the state of comic art and his award-winning graphic novels, “Maus” and “Maus II.”
