
Long Day for Poll Workers

* Like all of us, I have a full life and find myself reluctant to give up a day to work the polls. But because I believe in the importance of voting, on several occasions I have agreed to serve as a poll worker.

We check in at 6:30 a.m. and finish at 9 p.m. or 10 p.m. No coffee or food is provided and usually we have finished everything we have brought with us by 10 in the morning! The room is cold, because we have to leave the door to the polls open. Yet we try to smile when voters come in and for the 400th time we ask, “What is your address, please?” For this we receive the magnificent pay of $25.

This year the room was small and we had to crowd two precincts into the one room with a table set up for each. Often after gathering the voter’s information we found that he was in the wrong precinct and the voter had to go to the other table and repeat his information. Many were in the wrong district altogether and had to go to another poll. Some had moved and we had to fill out new forms. By the end of the day we were exhausted and still trying to smile. For all of this we received perhaps three thank yous from the voters. One dear lady brought us a bag of candy. But mostly we heard many rude and unpleasant comments about the wait or need to repeat information. There was an appalling lack of consideration and respect.


We had a form for voters to sign to volunteer to help at the polls in the future, and there was not one name placed on that list.

Next time you vote, give a thought to the workers who make it possible for you to vote.


Beverly Hills
