
Artists, Groups Get $28,000 From City

Seventeen local artists and arts organizations have been granted a total of $28,000 by the city’s cultural affairs office.

Among the programs to be supported by the 1998-99 Cultural Funding Program are mask-making workshops for teen mothers, poetry workshops for schoolchildren, the commission of a watercolor mural for display at City Hall and a concert of French music from the Middle Ages.

Ventura’s Cultural Funding Program is a result of the Community Cultural Plan, adopted by the City Council in September 1992.


The program aims to provide direct support to artists and organizations for creation of new work, to foster a climate in which the arts can thrive, to make the arts accessible to all segments of the community and to stimulate cultural and economic activity.

The selection panel, made up of artists, arts professionals and community members, reviewed 37 requests for $103,385 before forwarding its recommendations to the City’s Arts and Cultural Affairs Committee for final approval.
