
Jefferson-Clinton Comparisons

Re “Noble Goals, Base Pursuits,” Commentary, Nov. 3: Nice try, Robert Scheer, and nice timing, too--trying to compare Bill Clinton with Thomas Jefferson and to define Clinton’s impeachment as just a matter of private sex. There can really be no comparison of Clinton with Jefferson. Clinton will be impeached for moral turpitude and perjury. He has slimed the office, himself, his family, sullied the Secret Service and sacrificed his staff to cover his secrets.

The emperor has no clothes, and you can’t make a cover for Clinton out of material from Jefferson’s days.




Your Nov. 1 article reports that a DNA study shows Jefferson fathered the child of his slave. As a matter of fact, he fathered five children by her and they are the only slaves he freed.


We are certainly lucky! If Jefferson had run on the Democratic ticket, the Republicans would most certainly have tried to discredit his Declaration of Independence.


Los Angeles


Jefferson’s wife died young. On her deathbed she requested and he pledged that although still a young man, he would never remarry. He kept that vow.

He began a 38-year monogamous affair with her half-sister. The half-sister was the daughter of his father-in-law and a slave, half-white and enjoying special family status prior to her liaison with Jefferson.


Theirs was a long, loving relationship. Nothing in this relationship remotely resembles anything in the Clinton-Lewinsky, Flowers, Jones, numerous other Jane Does, et al. saga.

Yes, Sally Hemings was a slave and Jefferson kept slaves on his plantation. The fact that he could write “that all men are created equal” indicates his true feelings in the matter and although he didn’t do anything to change the mores of the day, it does not negate his recognition of that inalienable right.


Studio City
