
Crying the Blues Over Finding the Right Jeans

Dear Fashion Police: I know I’m not the first person to have this problem, but it’s hard for me to find jeans that fit. I’m not that tall (5 feet, 6 inches), but I am long-waisted, so the length is usually right, but it doesn’t fit my waist. Do you have any suggestions?


Dear Dearth: Ah, the eternal search for a pair of jeans that fits. It may be some small consolation to you to know that even the Fashion Police have to try on 10 to 12 pairs at various stores to find one that fits. That is not fun shopping.

Since you’re long-waisted, it’s not surprising that jeans don’t fit you from crotch to waist. A tall friend of ours recommends Calvin Klein jeans, saying they usually hit her waist at the right spot. If they’re too long for you, however, you might have to hem them.


Another alternative is a pair of custom jeans, offered through the Levi’s Original Spin program at the Original Levi’s Store. Basically, these are five-pocket jeans designed by you and can fit waist sizes 25 inches to 46 inches. With the help of a computer and a trained salesperson you not only can create jeans that fit you exactly the way you want them to, but also select the color and leg style, and choose zip or button fly. They’re $55, and the process takes about 10 days from the time you place your order. They’re also guaranteed.

You can find Original Levi’s stores at South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa, (714) 429-0150, and at Horton Plaza in San Diego, (619) 702-6254.


More Muumuu Madness: Who would ever think there were so many muumuu fans out there? Judging from the letters we’ve received since last week’s question about where to find all-cotton muumuus, there are quite a few of you. As one reader so indelicately put it, “Anyone who has difficulty dissipating body heat or can’t stand all the polyester and elastic stuff needs a muumuu. Don’t knock it.”


Well, we guess you told us!

The same reader also gave a resource for Hawaiian cotton muumuus, in those . . . ah . . . very bright florals and prints. They’re carried by Hilo Hattie, and prices range from about $35 to $55, depending on length. They also carry men’s and children’s clothes. For a catalog, call (800) 272-5282. But remember the oath: These are not to leave the house. If we catch you at Ralphs wearing one, we’re going to make you sit in the frozen food aisle for a really long time.


From the Fashion Police Blotter: A few weeks ago we asked for your tales of Clothing That Will Not Die--20-plus-year-old items that have stood the test of time. We printed a number of responses, and then got even more responses after that. Unfortunately, space did not allow us to print every letter, but we tried to give you the best of the best. However, there was one from the later batch we had to include. The reader writes:

“I am looking at the label in my mother’s coat; it is ‘Sommersville cashmere.’ It is 47 years old and was bought at Martson’s department store in San Diego in 1951.


“We left Oklahoma in 1951, and mother found a nursing job in San Diego, and I found an office job. Mother was wearing an old black coat to work over her white nursing uniform. I saved some money and bought the beige cashmere coat for her. She was the happiest lady, and she wore it over her uniforms for 31 years. She told me in 1982 that she wanted to give the coat back to me, and I accepted with great pleasure. It is still in great shape, and I wear it constantly. Mother and I were raised in the Depression years, and we were poor farm people, and we learned to make things last a long time. We take good care of what we have, and I honor the fact that Mother gave the coat back to me as she is gone now. When I put her coat on, I feel like she is still here with me.”

When reporting or preventing a fashion crime, write to Fashion Police, Los Angeles Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles, CA 90053, or fax to (213) 237-0732. Submissions cannot be returned. No telephone inquiries, please.
