
Programs Teaching English and Spanish

Re “A Boomtown of Bilingual Education,” May 25:

Finally The Times features a positive story on bilingual education! For too long, successful models, such as two-way bilingual programs, have been ignored, despite high acclaim by both researchers and parents.

My daughter is a first-grader in Grandview Elementary School’s (LAUSD) dual-language program. Her literacy skills are developing in both Spanish and in her native English and she is forming deep social relations with both Spanish and English speakers. I am convinced that these are the types of programs necessary for Los Angeles’ future. Similar programs exist at several other LAUSD schools, as well as in Culver City, Santa Monica and Long Beach.

It is shameful that the discussion around Prop. 227 has failed to look at the specific programs that it will wipe out. That The Times is seemingly unaware of dual-language programs in its own back yard demonstrates the lack of public knowledge and misinformation about bilingual programs. We may all suffer for this ignorance.



Los Angeles
