
Mother’s Helpers on the Road

Ah, the joys and tribulations of traveling with youngsters. Following are some new products to keep them entertained and safe on the go. Products may be available in area stores. Unless noted, prices do not included shipping.

Carrier with a view: Baby carriers that hug junior facing Mom’s or Dad’s chest may be warm and snug, but sometimes kids want to see what’s ahead of them. You can have it both ways with the About Face Dual Facing Baby Carrier from Evenflo, a manufacturer of children’s furniture and accessories. The cross straps on the padded carrier, which holds children up to 12 months old and up to 25 pounds, are designed to cross over the carrier so baby can face either forward or backward, with the backrest always in place for added support.

Evenflo About Face Dual Facing Baby Carrier is about $35. For a nearby store, call the manufacturer at (800) 233-5921.


Car-happy tots: Keeping little ones content in a car seat just got a little easier, thanks to the Car-Bar Plus Car Seat Activity Center from the Maya Group. The padded flexible bar, which attaches to most car seats, forms an arch over baby’s knees. On the bar are a soft padded smiling steering wheel that turns, honks and makes clicking sounds in the child’s hands; a little pull toy and rings for hanging additional toys.

Car-Bar Plus Car Seat Activity Center is about $25. For a nearby store, call the Maya Group; telephone (888) 846-9568.

Desk to go: For kids who can stand on their own two feet, the Kid in a Box Travel Write Activity Bag is a zippered nylon bag with rigid backing that becomes an instant solid lap-top working surface in the car or elsewhere. Fold-out pockets can be used to store crayons, pencils and paper, and a shoulder strap makes for easy toting.


Travel Write is $19.98, including shipping from Kid in a Box; tel. (800) 810-4344.

Presto feeder: Feeding baby on the go can be messy. The Squeez’r Feed’r from Kel-Gar, a maker of children’s products, is a spoon and jar all in one, decreasing the chance of mishaps. Designed to hold about 4 ounces of baby food, the plastic bottle injects food directly onto an attached plastic spoon.

Kel-Gar Squeez’r Feed’r is $7. For a nearby store, call Kel-Gar; tel. (800) 388-1848.

Gear & Gadgets appears the first week of every month.
