
Prop. 226

Re “President Denounces Union Dues Initiative,” May 5:

How can the president say the measure will “muffle” the voices of average Americans, when in fact the measure will allow the average American who is a union member the chance to speak his or her own mind by supporting the candidate of his or her choice, instead of the candidate selected by a few top union bosses.

With support among union members at 58% for Prop. 226 and 28% against, it appears President Clinton is out of step with the very people he claims to want to represent. No one should be forced to support a candidate or a cause he or she does not believe in.



* When the president denounced Prop. 226, he went against the landmark Beck Supreme Court ruling in 1988, which said that it was illegal for unions to collect compulsory dues for any purpose other than union business--no more forced dues for politics.


I thought we elected our presidents to uphold the law, not short-circuit it.


Westlake Village
