
Council Will Divvy Up $86,530 for Nonprofits Tonight

Most of the $1.5 million the city expects in federal block grants this year will be poured into curbs, street paving and reconstructive work on the senior center.

But enough will be left over to allow local nonprofit agencies to seek financial aid from the Community Development Block Grant Program at a public hearing tonight.

The grants are distributed by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to local governments each year.


Of the $86,530 set aside for Orange nonprofits, the winners this year appear to be Olive Crest Homes and Services for Abused Children and HOMES, a group that aids the mentally ill. A committee of residents and city officials has recommended that the groups receive about $13,000 each.

Fourteen other groups will receive lesser amounts, unless the City Council approves revisions.

The public hearing begins at 7 p.m. at City Hall, 300 E. Chapman Ave.Information: (714) 744-5500.
