
Find a Better Way to ‘Attack’

Although a liberal bias has been ascribed to The Times countless times by readers in your circulation area, I am compelled to respond to yet another example of your ideological bent.

In your March 13 article about Rep. Loretta Sanchez’s new abortion strategy, you use a form of the verb “attack” [two] times in describing the actions of the congresswoman’s opponents.

Perhaps I have missed them, but I do not recall reading any articles in The Times that have reported on “attacking” perpetrated by liberals on conservatives.


No one likes an attacker. The word, subliminally or otherwise, engenders sympathy and support for the person attacked.

Instead of using the same word in an article, I suggest that you consult your thesaurus for a couple of good substitutes. Then your obvious partiality at least would have a bit more creativity to it.


Huntington Beach
