
Expansion Hearing Set for Universal Studios

What is expected to be the last in a series of hearings on the proposed Universal Studios expansion and specific plan is set for 9 a.m. Monday.

The Los Angeles County Regional Planning Commission is expected to close the hearing phase and order county planners to draft a set of zoning rules for the area, otherwise known as a specific plan.

The commission is expected to suggest ways to limit noise from film production at the studios and ask planners to prepare a final environmental impact report.


Both the environmental impact report and the proposed specific plan require approval of the commission and the county Board of Supervisors for the project to go forward.

The hearing phase on the proposed 15-year expansion of the Universal theme park and movie studio has lasted for more than a year.

Commission officials expected to finish the hearing phase earlier in the month. They were forced to extend it to Monday after running out of time at the last meeting.


Monday’s hearing will be in the Los Angeles County Hall of Records, Room 150, 320 W. Temple St., Los Angeles. For details, contact the Planning Commission at (213) 974-6409.
