
American Film Marketing Assn. Exec Resigns

After 18 years with the Los Angeles-based American Film Marketing Assn., AFMA Executive Vice President Tim Kittleson has resigned. He will leave at the end of March, when his current contract expires.

Kittleson--a former advertising executive--joined AFMA six months before the organization staged its first American Film Market. Since then, the market has become an important annual event in Santa Monica for buyers and sellers of international film rights. During Kittleson’s tenure, the market has grown tenfold in terms of the number of exhibiting companies (from 33 in 1981 to 317 this year) and the number of attendees (from 600 to more than 6,000).

Kittleson, 53, had sought the presidency of AFMA last year, but the position went to Allen R. “Mike” Frischkorn Jr., an attorney and former telecommunications executive.


Kittleson will leave at the same time as longtime AFMA President Jonas Rosenfield, 83, whose contract also expires at the end of March.

Kittleson said he had no immediate career plans. AFMA has not named a successor.
