
Suit Against UCLA

Re George Will’s March 1 column: UCLA’s Academic Advancement Program’s bizarre insistence that Alvaro Cardona preach that UCLA was racist to his tutorial students, as much as teaching them skills, is another example of the strange cannibalism created by the racial hysteria currently endemic in America’s universities.

I barely survived 18 months of the teaching credential program at Chapman University, where white middle-class young women, who were the farthest from racist you could get, were told they were the enemy and that people of color had minimal responsibility for their actions today because of past oppression. My favorite lesson was about how kindergartners are naturally racist and must be deprogrammed. Any dissent at all to this propaganda was said to be a sure sign of racism. Every day, I heard my country bashed in no uncertain terms and was then told they weren’t bashing my country. I couldn’t voice an opinion. But the worst was that I got minimal instruction on how to actually be a competent teacher. I admire Cardona’s courage in standing up to the PhD pinheads and hope he kicks butt.


