Resources for the Fellas
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* National Institute on Aging Information Center
P.O. Box 8057
Gaithersburg, MD 20898-8057
(800) 222-2225
Call or write to receive a list of free publications.
* American Diabetes Assn.
1660 Duke St.
Alexandria, VA 22314
(800) 342-2383
* American Dietetic Assn.
216 W. Jackson Blvd.
Suite 800
Chicago, IL 60606-6995
(800) 366-1655 for referral to a registered dietitian or access to prerecorded messages.
* National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse
2 Information Way
Bethesda, MD 20892-3570
Write for information; specify disorder.
* American Running and Fitness Assn.
4405 East West Highway
Suite 405
Bethesda, MD 20814
Provides brochures on many aspects of aerobic sports referrals to sports-oriented health professionals; send self- addressed stamped envelope for a free “Exercise Across America” brochure and log.
* American Heart Assn.
7272 Greenville Ave.
Dallas, TX 75231
(800) 242-8721 to contact your local chapter.
* National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
National Institutes of Health
P.O. Box 5801
Bethesda, MD 20824
(301) 496-5751
* American Foundation for Urologic Disease
1128 N. Charles St.
Baltimore, MD 21201
(800) 242-2383
Brochures available; send $1 to cover postage and handling.
* American Lung Assn.
1740 Broadway
New York, NY 10019-4374
(800) LUNG-USA
Provides information on asthma, emphysema and other breathing problems.
* American Cancer Society
(800) ACS-2345
* Cancer Information Service
National Cancer Institute
(800) 4-CANCER
* American College of Sports Medicine National Center
P.O. Box 1440
Indianapolis, IN 46206-1440
(317) 637-9200
Send a business-size self-addressed stamped envelope for free general information brochure.
* American Institute of Stress
124 Park Ave.
Yonkers, NY 10703
(914) 963-1200
Monthly newsletter available for an annual fee of $35.
Source: Men’s Health