
Starr’s Dealings With Lewinsky

The article by Peter Baker and Susan Schmidt (“Lewinsky, Starr Appear Closer to Agreement,” June 21) is typical of the scurrilous reporting of the Washington Post and these two reporters, who are so desperate to be “first” that they say whatever is convenient with whatever spin is handy. In their article, they say that Kenneth Starr, in connection with discussions with Monica Lewinsky’s new lawyers, is right where they previously reported Starr was with me and Nate Speights. Then they say that the new lawyers are arguing that “Starr should take what he can get” because (Lewinsky’s) former lawyer (me) made contradictory statements that damaged Lewinsky’s value as a witness against the president. Read--as a result of statements I made publicly, neither Starr nor Lewinsky’s new lawyers can get Lewinsky to lie “credibly.”

Let’s all grow up and get real. Lewinsky’s story is credible as told to Starr because it is the truth. Starr will accept a deal with Lewinsky because he eventually has to deal with the truth, even if it is not “his” truth! I have said time and time again, Starr is a danger to the democracy.

Now he is cornered like a skunk, caught in lies about leaks and whether Lewinsky was asked to be “wired” to record the president and Vernon Jordan, which she bravely and properly resisted as un-American. Like a skunk, he is rearing up and proving resoundingly that he is not the spiritual leader of what he calls “the Temple of Truth.” He doesn’t even deserve admission to that sacred shrine!



Los Angeles
