
Gay Pride Event

The Simi Valley gay pride celebration was a very peaceful celebration, with normal people strolling between booths. People were well-dressed and calm, in contrast to the episode at Magic Mountain.

The only threatening note was from the protesters, whose lack of imagination is revealed by the fact that their placards all sent the same message: “God says you can’t be different than us.” They phrased it differently, but each one sent the same message.

These gay pride events are the most civilized celebratory events I have found. Does this mean the gay community knows how to behave and the “straight” community does not?


The gay community is not seen exhorting people to “turn gay” against their nature. The straight community, however, certainly does harass lesbians and gay men.



* Press accounts surrounding the Simi Valley Gay and Lesbian Pride Festival have erroneously left the impression that I was a sponsor of the event. While I did not sponsor the event, I stand by my issuance of a Ventura County Board of Supervisors Resolution to the sponsors of the event.

Government does not have a right to discriminate against law-abiding citizens because of differing moral values. My signature on the certificate is not an endorsement of a behavior or moral code. I signed the certificate because I believe in the principles of the United States Constitution, adhere to California law and Ventura County policy.


I do not personally condone, nor do I condemn, individuals who classify themselves as homosexual. Interpersonal relationships between consenting adults should not involve government officials or agencies.

I am a Christian who believes strongly that morality is an issue that is to be determined by a person’s own beliefs. In the end, the only true judge will be God. Thankfully, our founding fathers had the foresight to create a system of government designed to treat everyone equally.

Despite criticism from a committed minority, I will not back away. The debate is not about endorsing a lifestyle. I stand firm for the right of all Americans who obey the law to enjoy equal privileges and protections. The men and women who elected me expect this.



Chair, Ventura County

Board of Supervisors

Supervisor, 4th District
