
Black Caucus

* It is with a deep sense of disgust and frustration that I write this letter, after reading the trite and demeaning article (July 22) about a very serious effort by the Congressional Black Caucus to address the HIV/AIDS and drug crises in the United States.

I am disgusted because [the reporter] was afforded a unique opportunity as a journalist to be with members of the Congressional Black Caucus as we traveled by bus to Baltimore; she had unrestricted access to the members, who were willing to speak with her about their concerns about these life-and-death issues. Instead, she used this opportunity to trivialize important work.

I believe the public deserves to be informed about the complex issues surrounding HIV, AIDS and drug addiction. The press is the primary vehicle for communication with the public, yet the reporter wrote about the “foul smell” of the bathroom on the bus. What an affront to members of the Congressional Black Caucus and to the doctors and service providers whose hard work she disrespected.



