
A Second Local Bank Is Robbed

A man held up a Washington Mutual Bank on Tuesday, the day after another Port Hueneme bank was robbed, authorities said.

Officials believe that the same suspect or group of suspects may be responsible for both robberies, which occurred a block apart.

“Both are very similar as far as location, description of individual involved and the method used,” said Sgt. Jerry Beck of the Port Hueneme Police Department.


No one was injured during the 11 a.m. robbery at Washington Mutual Bank, 619 W. Channel Islands Blvd.

Like the robbery at California Federal Bank on Monday, the suspect presented the Washington Mutual teller with a note and claimed he was armed, Port Hueneme police said. In neither case did tellers see a weapon.

In both cases, the tellers handed over an unknown amount of cash and the bandit fled on foot.


The suspect was described by witnesses at both banks as a white male in his 20s with a thin build, wearing a light-colored baseball cap turned backward and a gray T-shirt and carrying a blue backpack.

“Obviously, right now, we’re looking at the strong probability that it’s the same guy,” Beck said.

California Federal Bank at 739 W. Channel Islands Blvd. was robbed about 2:30 p.m. Monday.

Anyone with information is asked to call the Police Department at 986-6534, the FBI at 642-3995 or Crime Stoppers at 986-TALK.
