
City to Open Library on Fridays Starting Aug. 21

City officials said Tuesday that the Arcadia Public Library will reopen its doors on Fridays beginning next month.

For the last year the library has been open only five days a week--Monday through Thursday, and Saturday--due to a city budget crunch, officials said.

New library hours will begin the week of Aug. 17, with the first Friday opening on Aug. 21.


The Library Board decided to reopen the library at its meeting July 16 after the City Council increased the annual appropriation for the facility.

In the last year, more than 500,000 books were circulated by the library at 20 West Duarte Road, and an equally high number of people came through the doors, officials said.

The new library hours will be 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday; 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday and Saturday; closed Sunday.
