
Blood, Marrow Drive Planned for 4-Year-Old

A blood and bone marrow testing drive is planned for Thursday on behalf of 4-year-old Drew Houston, who was found to have leukemia last month.

Drew responded well to chemotherapy and his cancer is in remission, but he may require a matching bone marrow donor in the near future, according to the American Red Cross. Potential donors become a part of the National Bone Marrow Donor Program registry, which has facilitated more than 7,000 transplants over the last 12 years.

The Red Cross drive will be at 26051 Marguerite Parkway from 3 to 7 p.m. It will be sponsored by the Presbyterian Church of the Master.


Blood donors must be at least 17, at least 110 pounds, in good health and not be at risk for HIV/AIDS or other blood borne diseases. Potential marrow donors must be 18 to 60, in good health and not excessively overweight. Information: (949) 582-2670.
