
Disney Hall

In response to your July 21 article on the proposed Disney Concert Hall, has everyone in Los Angeles gone blind or am I the only one who can clearly see that Frank O. Gehry’s architectural design for the completed auditorium presents an abominable blot upon the Southern California landscape? After collecting $50 million in design fees, one would think that the architect’s Santa Monica firm could come up with something more eye-appealing than a structure that looks like the mangled wreckage of a 747 jetliner.

Can the county administrators actually be serious in allowing such a twisted tin toolshed to be put up in plain sight on Grand Avenue? Designs like these are one of the many reasons that Los Angeles will forever remain a provincial little burg in the barren desert of bad taste and second-rate talent.

Sooner would I witness the MTA chairman hammering a golden spike into another mile of subway track than would I allow one more dollar to be wasted on this pathetic stainless steel outhouse.



Los Angeles


Tell Gehry not to sweat the metal cladding for Disney Hall. The pigeons and the crud in the atmosphere will make whatever he uses look dreary in short order.


Long Beach
