
Implementing Prop. 227

In the July 21 article regarding the plans of various school districts to implement or defy Prop. 227, the spokeswoman for the Oakland Unified School District, which is trying to avoid the provisions of the proposition, is quoted as follows: “Philosophically, we do not believe the approach mandated [by 227] is the best program.”

Her statement is eloquent testimony to the fact that bilingual education is a political-philosophical belief system or doctrine having little to do with educational research or proven benefits to language learners. Perhaps that is why California’s voters so emphatically said to remove that “philosophy” from our classrooms.


Newport Beach


Prop. 227 states that the “overwhelming” amount of instructional time in a classroom with English-learners should be English. Nobody really knows what percentage “overwhelming” means. So, I think it would only be appropriate to use The Times’ definition.


According to your articles regarding Prop. 227, the initiative passed by an “overwhelming majority.” That majority was 61%. LAUSD and other school districts should organize their English immersion classes with the stipulation that the students should read, write, listen to and speak English at least 61% of the time. The remaining 39% of the time can be used to ensure that students grasp essential concepts in math, social studies and language arts so they will not fall behind once they are mainstreamed.


