
State Should Repay Libraries

* Thank you for stating what should be obvious to every thinking person--libraries are a valuable resource ( Editorial, July 5).

Unfortunately, during the last five years, the state of California has stripped Placentia Library District of half of its property tax revenue by “shifting” it to fund other state programs.

Now, when the state is supposed to have so much money in its treasury, it has not returned any of the library’s property tax money.


As a result, Placentia Library has had to close two days per week, reduce its hours, lay off half its staff and slash its book budget. In spite of these challenges, it has maintained its commitment to provide a full, balanced library program, including the oldest library-based adult literacy program in Orange County.

The amount of our property tax loss is 50.41%, or about $800,000 per year. This money would reverse our losses in hours, staff and book collection. We depend on donations almost exclusively for our popular reading material. Since 1993, we have had over $2.5 million in property tax diverted from our district.

We urge Gov. Wilson and state legislators to repay California’s independent library districts with some other highly publicized surplus.



Placentia Library District

Board of Trustees
