
Planners Gave the OK to Holly-Seacliff

* As a planning commissioner in Huntington Beach, I feel qualified to make some comments concerning your July 8 article, “Council OKs Revised Holly-Seacliff Project.”

Nowhere in your article did it state that our City Council approved the Planning Commission’s recommendation. Although the council has the final say, it was the Planning Commission that did its homework, listened to all sides, and made its decision.

Contrary to the grandstanding by Councilman Dave Garofalo (who is running for reelection in November), the commission is greatly concerned about the impact on residents.


We did consider altering traffic plans (we closed off Saddleback Avenue), we recommended greater landscaping and we did all those things that are normally required of a planning commission. We did our job, all the rhetoric by Garofalo to the contrary.


Huntington Beach
