
D.C. Lobbyist a Bargain for O.C.

* Re “Lobbyist on Road to $800,000 O.C. Contract,” July 7:

Orange County taxpayers get a real bargain when local governmental agencies hire Jim McConnell to represent them in Washington.

Your article mentions that McConnell’s contracts have drawn the attention of “the county’s lobbyist community, which is unable to bid on any of the lucrative work.” As one of those local lobbyists, I can tell you that there is no one locally, that I am aware of, who could even think of filling McConnell’s shoes in Washington.

Only big beltway-based firms could take on this type of assignment, and then the county agencies would be just one client among dozens and the fees would be higher.


With McConnell, just like with Dennis Carpenter in Sacramento, we get a seasoned veteran who not only knows his way around the capital but knows Orange County and has loyalty to us. We get a tremendous return on our money with both McConnell and Carpenter. Congratulations to those agencies smart enough to use their services.


