
O.C. Retirees Get Too Much

* Re “Bigger Check for County Staff Retirees,” July 14:

Isn’t it amazing that one government inanity (judge) granted increased benefits to government and county retirees? The common bond among government employees to maximize their retirement higher than in the private sector is well in place.

Having worked for a government agency, I encountered the greed and a lack of not having to make a profit for benefits that creates a system of take and not give.

It is time that the compensation for government workers be adjusted to the private sector. The retirement benefits for a government worker, along with excellent tax-deferment packages, normally exceed those of the private sector. They usually have cost-of-living adjustments added to their longevity and grade increases or it may be in their retirement programs.


Let’s not allow the various government units to continue to overpay themselves with extra benefits that exceed those of the private sector.

The golden parachutes in the private sector are usually only to the most senior management. For the government sector, the majority seems to have the chutes with other government units making sure that the compensation and retirement programs are maximized.


Huntington Beach
