
Losing Local Store

Re “ ‘Big Boxes’ Nail Small Hardware Shop: Superstores Cause a Simi Valley Business to Close After 3 Decades,” July 17.

I was saddened to read of the closing of the Holiday Hardware store. I had the opportunity to work with co-owner Marshall Shrago when I was the Cubmaster of Cub Scout Pack 3609 in Simi Valley and Marshall was the pack’s committee chairman.

He was (and still is) a dedicated member of the community who continually gave his time and energy to the youths of Simi Valley.


With the passing of another neighborhood business the community loses a piece of its identity and a valuable human resource.

Part of what makes a community strong are its local businesses, owned by people who live in the local area and have a personal stake in its future. Holiday Hardware and Marshall Shrago fit into that mold perfectly.

I can only hope that if there ever is another disaster along the lines of the 1994 earthquake, the managers of the franchise-run supermarket hardware stores are there to open their stores to help us the way Marshall and his staff were there for their neighbors in Simi Valley.


