


CASTAIC LAKE--Alex Kleinman, Castaic, 10-pound largemouth, on four-inch plastic worm on the upper lake. Donny Stevens, Encino, 7-pound largemouth, on a mudsucker. Andy Sharp, Granada Hills, 11- and 10-pound stripers, on night crawlers. Tony Cox, Valencia, 40 largemouth bass to about 4 pounds, on mudsuckers in the afternoon.

PYRAMID LAKE--Largemouth bass are striking plastic worms and night crawlers around the shore, particularly in mornings and afternoons. Several anglers reported multiple catches. Striped bass are still deep, biting occasionally on sardines and anchovies. Catfish remain active, as do crappie and bluegill.

LAKE PIRU--Trout are biting in deep water. Try Needlefish or Hot Shot lures and lead-core line at 7-8 colors from San Felicia Cove to the dam. Crappie and bluegill are being caught sporadically by those using mealworms and red worms. Not much bass action, but plastic worms are getting some at about 20 feet.


CASITAS LAKE--Not a lot of large bass, but lots of smaller fish and a few lunkers. Hal Paxton, Ventura, caught a 10-pounder on a plastic worm at 20 feet. Some surface activity in early mornings. Randy Crabtree, Oak View, seven catfish totaling 97 pounds, on mackerel. A 17-pounder was caught by Troy Rutherford, Ojai, who was fishing for bass with a Castaic Soft Trout. Trout are very active, biting for trollers using Needlefish and lead-core line at 4-6 colors. Several limits.

LAKE CACHUMA--The trout bite is slowing, but fish are still being caught in deep water, mostly on Needlefish lures and lead-core line at 6-7 colors. Largemouth bass are being caught on the surface in early mornings and on crankbaits and plastic worms during the midmorning and afternoon. There isn’t much of a bite during the day.

CORONA LAKE--Catfish are the main attraction, but a 9-7 bass and a 10-8 bass were caught on successive days by Dale Lane, Canyon Lake, on purple plastic worms and six-pound test line. Top catfish limit, 10 fish totaling 18 1/2 pounds, by Susan Bradshaw and Bob Lutz, on mackerel at the south end.


SANTA ANA RIVER LAKES--It’s strictly catfish here. Janet Lee, Anaheim, caught a 19-7 catfish on Berkley Catfish Power Bait at Catfish Lake.

IRVINE LAKE--Catfish remain active, but the bigger fish are proving elusive. Top cat, a 10-pounder by Mike Smith, Aliso Viejo, as part of a five-fish limit enticed by mackerel. Other species slow.

LAGUNA NIGUEL LAKE--Catfish and bass are providing lots of action. The catfish are averaging 2-4 pounds and biting on mackerel and night crawlers. Kenny Sakurai, Monterey Park, caught 32 in six hours. The bass “are hitting everything in the tackle box,” one lake official said. Try spinnerbaits and crankbaits for best results.


OSO RESERVOIR--A 9-9 bass was weighed and released by Adam Tucker, Trabuco Canyon, on a purple plastic worm. Most people are fishing for bass, but the catfish bite is reportedly wide open and a big hit with the kids.

SILVERWOOD LAKE--Largemouth bass are biting on crankbaits and night crawlers off the smaller points at 20 feet. Crappie are being caught on mini-jigs and catfish are active at Cleghorn. A 15-pounder was caught by Kim Donald, Los Angeles, on dough.

GREEN VALLEY LAKE--The lake report says the fishing has slowed and includes no catches, so fishing must really be slow.

BIG BEAR--The heat put a damper on the trout bite, but some limits were reported. Try rainbow Power Bait or night crawlers at about 25 feet. The bass bite has yet to get going, which is odd. Bluegill and crappie are biting sporadically at Metcalf Bay and the east ramp.

SAN DIEGO LAKES--The bluegill bite at Lower Otay is ridiculously good--more than 6,000 were caught in the past week. A fair bluegill bite by comparison is in progress at San Vicente where only 1,275 fish were caught. Decent bass bites are in progress at San Vicente, El Capitan, Miramar and Sutherland. Top bass, though, was an 11-pounder by Preston Jones, Spring Valley, on a shiner.

LAKE CUYAMACA--The fantastic East Lake fly-fishing trout bite is history, for now. Meanwhile, bass are providing some action, with night crawlers getting mostly small fish. A 5-4 was caught by John Marshall, Julian.


EASTERN SIERRA--It’s been 100-plus degrees in Bishop, so the higher you go, the better the fishing is. South Lake (flasher-worm combos), Lake Sabrina (Power Bait and night crawlers) and North Lake (bubble-and-fly) are producing fairly steady action, and Bishop Creek (worms and Kastmasters; green woolly buggers and black ants) is perhaps a little bit better. The Owens River is still running fast. Crowley Lake’s trout have gone deep to beat the heat, but its perch are committing suicide, biting readily on mealworms and mini-jigs. Best bet in the Mammoth area is Rock Creek Lake, with night crawlers, salmon eggs, rainbow Power Bait and mosquito flies all getting fish. Convict Lake is producing lots of limits of small fish and an occasional lunker. In the June Lake area, a 6 3/4-pound trout was caught at Gull. Trolling Thomas Buoyants or Triple Teasers. June, Silver and Grant lakes are fair as well. Best bet in Bridgeport is the reservoir, but Twin Lakes and the East Walker are producing as well.


The Times accepts and publishes the catch count as a public service. Any responsibility for accuracy is that of the landing operator.

MORRO BAY (Virg’s Landing)--75 anglers (3 boats): 16 lingcod, 325 red rockcod, 815 rockcod, 1 golden eye.

AVILA BEACH (Avila Beach Sportfishing)--37 anglers (1 boat): 110 red rockcod, 1 salmon, 445 rockcod.

SANTA BARBARA (Sea Landing)--71 anglers (4 boats): 498 calico bass, 20 mackerel, 125 barracuda, 4 rockfish, 1 sheephead. (Hornet Landing)--11 anglers (1 boat): 51 calico bass, 13 sand bass, 1 white seabass, 42 barracuda.

VENTURA--(Captain Hook’s)--16 anglers (1 boat): 1 yellowtail, 73 albacore, 51 bluefin tuna.


OXNARD (Cisco’s)--173 anglers (8 boats): 23 bluefin tuna, 256 albacore, 113 yellowtail, 3 whitefish, 8 sculpin, 76 sand bass, 15 rockfish, 1 halibut, 318 calico bass, 1 blue perch, 18 barracuda.

PORT HUENEME--64 anglers (3 boats): 132 yellowtail, 34 calico bass, 22 bonito, 1 sculpin, 7 rockfish, 21 barracuda.

MARINA DEL REY--211 anglers (8 boats): 12 yellowtail, 287 barracuda, 4 halibut, 110 calico bass, 986 sand bass, 10 bonito.

REDONDO--162 anglers (8 boats): 32 albacore, 9 bluefin tuna, 28 yellowtail, 1 bonito, 136 calico bass, 160 sand bass, 469 barracuda, 1 halibut, 2 sculpin.

SAN PEDRO (L.A. Harbor Sportfishing)--111 anglers (4 boats): 40 yellowtail, 133 sand bass, 275 barracuda, 23 calico bass. (22nd St. Landing)--260 anglers (9 boats): 43 albacore, 1 bluefin tuna, 151 yellowtail, 10 white seabass, 382 barracuda, 68 calico bass, 482 sand bass, 21 sculpin. (Fish 4 Less)--37 anglers (1 boat): 51 yellowtail, 22 barracuda, 105 sand bass.

LONG BEACH (Los Alamitos Bay, Marina Sportfishing)--107 anglers (4 boats): 47 yellowtail, 44 barracuda, 5 calico bass, 153 sand bass, 3 halibut. (Berth 55)--149 anglers (5 boats): 16 calico bass, 251 sand bass, 103 barracuda, 30 yellowtail, 2 bluefin tuna, 58 albacore. (Patriot Sportfishing)--13 anglers (1 boat): 39 redrock cod, 89 bolina, 67 rockcod, 8 lingcod.


SEAL BEACH--85 anglers (3 boats): 29 yellowtail, 38 barracuda, 115 sand bass, 3 halibut, 1 sculpin.

NEWPORT BEACH (Newport Landing)--206 anglers (6 boats): 259 yellowtail, 98 barracuda, 204 sand bass, 5 halibut, 22 mackerel, 1 white sea bass. (Davey’s Locker)--317 anglers (9 boats): 199 albacore, 105 yellowtail, 29 bluefin, 268 barracuda, 12 calico bass, 121 sand bass, 5 halibut, 1 white seabass.

DANA WHARF--266 anglers (12 boats): 146 albacore, 22 bluefin, 273 yellowtail, 118 barracuda, 47 calico bass, 731 sand bass, 9 halibut.

OCEANSIDE (Helgren’s)--223 anglers (10 boats): 201 albacore, 2 yellowtail, 8 bluefin tuna, 40 barracuda, 99 calico bass, 500 sand bass, 3 halibut, 2 sheephead, 3 white croaker, 2 black seabass (released), 9 shovel nose sharks.

SAN DIEGO (H&M; Landing, Fisherman’s, Point Loma)--343 anglers (15 boats): 1,335 albacore, 375 bluefin, 98 yellowtail, 25 skip jack. (Seaforth)--299 anglers (9 boats): 183 albacore, 412 bluefin tuna, 72 yellowtail, 232 bonito, 113 barracuda, 28 calico bass, 4 sand bass, 17 rockfish, 455 mackerel.


LOS ANGELES--Jackson Lake. SAN DIEGO--Cuyamaca Lake. INYO--Baker Creek, Big Pine Creek, Bishop Creek (Lower, Middle, South Fork and Intake II), Cottonwood Creek, Georges Creek, Goodale Creek, Independence Creek, Lake Sabrina, Lone Pine Creek, North Lake, Owens River (below Tinnemaha), Pine Creek, Rock Creek (Rock Creek Lake to the end of the road), Rock Creek Lake, Shepards Creek, South Lake, Taboose Creek, Tinnemaha Creek, Tuttle Creek. MONO--Buckeye Creek, Convict Lake, Ellery Creek, George Lake, Glass Creek, Grant Lake, Green Creek, Gull Lake, June Lake, Lake Mary, Lee Vining Creek, Lee Vining Creek (South Fork), Little Walker River, Lundy Lake, Mamie Lake, Mammoth Creek, McGee Creek, Owens River (Benton Crossing), Robinson Creek, Rock Creek (Paradise Camp to Tom’s Place and Tom’s Place upstream to Rock Creek Lake), Rush Creek, Sherwin Creek, Silver Lake, Trumble Lake, Twin Lakes Bridgeport, Twin Lakes Mammoth, Virginia Creek, Virginia Lakes, Walker River (Chris Flat campground to town of Walker and Leavitt Meadows campground to Sonora Bridge).
