
Crackdown on Liquor Sales to Minors Gets Grant

The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department has received a $100,000 grant to target establishments in unincorporated areas of the South Bay that sell liquor to minors.

The project will be handled by stations in Carson, Century, Lennox and Marina del Rey. It will include bar sweeps and sting operations by sheriff’s deputies and seminars by Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control to inform bars and liquor stores of legal responsibilities.

In a recent sweep of 50 establishments in unincorporated areas of the South Bay using sheriff’s Explorer Scouts, 12 liquor sellers were cited for selling alcohol to minors, said Lt. Paul Tanaka of the Lennox sheriff’s station.


There are approximately 400 businesses in the area licensed to sell alcohol, of which more than 75% are bars or liquor stores, officials said.

The South Bay grant was one of 20 awarded statewide by the ABC.
