

Your July 19 editorial, “Challenges of E-Commerce,” generally hit the nail on the head. That is, skyrocketing consumer buying over the Internet does pose a serious challenge to traditional ways of doing business.

The crucial point you missed was the true impact that buying goods and services over the Internet is going to have on the worldwide economy. According to Forrester Research, E-commerce is predicted to grow from $8 billion in 1997 to over $325 billion annually by 2003. Bill Gates recently predicted this figure will reach $1 trillion in the next five years. This is a far cry from the mere $20 billion you cited in your editorial.

Within the next few years, electronic commerce is going to bring customers from all over the world directly to businesses in ways we can’t even imagine today. In short, this is going to change the way people earn, learn, shop and play.



Laguna Beach
