
Ron Unz

Re “Hooked on Politics,” July 16:

As one of a select few individuals who has ever beaten Ron Unz in chess, I would like to let the citizens and political pundits of California know that Unz is truly one of California’s greatest intellectual assets. Although he is rudely referred to as a techno-geek, he is one of the most brilliant and fascinating people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing.

A warning to Unz is in order, however. Ron, as an 11-year veteran of the legal industry, I want you to know that governance by initiative is sloppy, costly and loaded with problems. The initiative process uses litigation to replace consideration, deliberation and compromise; is that what we need? Unlike traditional legislation, once a law is enacted via initiative, it is extremely difficult to correct any unforeseen problems that may arise. The institutional memory of the Legislature (term limits notwithstanding) is a valuable commodity and should not be discounted because it is slow.

Ron, please think about using your money to lobby the existing Legislature and/or elect new representatives instead of authoring more laws. Let the system work.



Valley Glen


I find it ironic that Unz would mention Bosnia in relation to California. Considering he’s the one practicing ethnic cleansing.


San Diego
