
Men Survive Plunge Off Summit Road

Two West Hills men whose sport utility vehicle plunged down a 275-foot embankment early Monday were doing well by the end of the day, according to police and hospital officials.

The men, both 20, were driving on Summit Road, a dirt road off Old Topanga Canyon Road when they failed to negotiate a sharp turn and went over the side, according to California Highway Patrol officers.

“They went down 275 feet and rolled over and the driver was ejected because he wasn’t wearing a seat belt,” said CHP spokesman Dwight McDonald.


Both were airlifted to Northridge Hospital Medical Center, where Kory Tikotin, the passenger, was treated and released. Eric Denman, the driver, was listed in good condition, hospital spokeswoman Vi Montes said.

“He’s lucky,” McDonald said of the driver. “Normally the car rolls right over [on] you.”

An anonymous person contacted an amateur radio operator, who radioed police about the accident, McDonald said.

Investigators ruled out alcohol and drugs and had not cited the driver.
