
Kochendorfer Honored for Service

Crystal Kochendorfer, president of the Capistrano Unified School District Board of Trustees, has been awarded the 1998 Marian Bergeson Award for community, state and national service on behalf of public education.

“This is an incredible honor, and I’m so pleased to be recognized on behalf of school boards throughout Orange County,” Kochendorfer said.

Her involvement in public education spans more than 25 years. As a district trustee, she has served as liaison to the Capistrano Unified Council of PTSAs, which represents the district’s 40 parent, teacher and student groups.


On the state and national levels, Kochendorfer has served as a delegate to the California School Boards Assn. since 1992. As a delegate, she also is a member of two federal groups, which address advocacy issues for public education.
